Family Life and Social Concerns Commission

To get involved or find out more about any item, please contact the Church Office at 821-2909. Your time and talent will be most welcome.

Ladies Guild: Every lady of the parish over the age of 18 is a member. No dues as the organization is self-supporting. Provides spiritual welfare for members, guest speakers on various women's concerns as well as social activities, and supports the parish in many of its projects. Meetings are in the parish office building on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. All ladies are urged to participate. Read the Ladies Guild flyer.

Christmas Giving Tree Committee: We help less fortunate families in the Decatur and Wayne Township school system. We provide clothing and toys for children in needy families. The SVDP society donates food to the families also.

Crafty Ladies of St. Ann Committee: The mission of the Crafty Ladies is to contribute to the church, community and to one another. We make items for the Giving Tree, Birth Line and Fall Festival. The group also works with Meadow Lakes Nursing Facility in Mooresville, making lap robes and shawls as needed for the residents. The only skills needed are a willingness to learn and to share our knowledge and talents with one another. They knit, crochet, sew, make jewelry and plan on expanding their crafting. The group meets twice a month for 2 hour sessions and continue to craft at home in between meetings.

Young at Heart Club: Monthly meetings and activities for seniors of the parish.

Pro-Life Committee: Communicating the enduring message of the Gospel of Life. Go to the Pro-Life page for more info.

St. Vincent de Paul Society: Reaches out to the poor and needy within our parish boundaries. Provides food, furniture, appliances, clothing, and household goods to needy at no cost to them.

Funeral Meals Ministry: Provides a funeral dinner for the parish family at St. Ann's Social Hall after the funeral. "Comforting the sorrowful" is a spiritual work of mercy. Side dishes and desserts are donated by the women of the parish. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Your help is also needed for serving the dinners. Three groups rotate as funerals are scheduled.

Social Committee: Organizes social functions to bring the parish together and to promote fellowship among parish members. Sponsors the Christmas party and other parish get-togethers. Volunteers are needed.

Sunday Donuts and Coffee: Picks up and/or serves donuts after Sunday Mass.

Transportation to Church: Take people to and from Church each week.