Administration Commission

To get involved or find out more about any item, please contact the Church Office at 821-2909. Your time and talent will be most welcome.

Finance Committee: Approves annual budget and oversees income and expense of Parish funds. Meetings are bi-monthly or as necessary.

Fund Raising Committee: Plans various events for the purpose of obtaining additional funds for parish use.

Speedway Track Worker: Works at IMS during race events at the concession stand.

Festival Committee: St. Ann’s hosts our biggest fund-raising event of the year:  our parish festival.  Proceeds from the festival go straight to the general fund and are used for the day-to-day needs of keeping our parish running smoothly.  Join the planning committee for regular meetings months before the festival, or sign up to work at the festival. 

Office Help Ministry: Assists the Parish secretary.

Communications Ministry: Includes items such as the weekly bulletin, monthly newsletter, and miscellaneous items such as advertisements.